Tag Archives: edison bulb

Inexpensive Living Room Updates

You don’t always have to buy fancy-pants artwork, shell out money for a new sofa, or knock out a wall to make an impact in your living room.  Sometimes little updates can make a big difference.  Here are a few changes I’ve made over the last few weeks that are inexpensive, easy, and eye-catching!

inexpensive small space decor

1* New Rug (free!)
Okay, so this rug is not new; I’ve had it for a couple of years now.  But it *is* new to this space.  It’s a 5′ x 4′ sisal rug that I picked up for $15 on sale.  It used to live in my dining room at my old place, but being in a new home means you get a new perspective on your stuff and where it looks best.  I love this rug with my mocha-colored sectional! And lets be honest, a rug with such texture should not sit under a table where folks are eating.  And spilling. Ew…..

inexpensive small space decor

2* Cocktail Tables (closeout deal for $20 each!)
When I moved into my current apartment, I gave my old cocktail table back to my parents. My living room is small pretty cozy and at 3′ x 3.5′, that thing was just too bulky. I used some old end tables for a couple of months just to have something there, but they were no where near as cute as these lil guys that I scored on closeout!

inexpensive small space decor

They’re made of powder-coated metal and are actually graded for outdoor use, and I love the airy, coastal vibe they give off. The best part? They’re actually butler tables! Thanks to some snazzy handles, these tables lift up to double as trays!  Being able to cart multiple drinks and snacks from the kitchen to the living room earns you major hostest points!

inexpensive small space decor

3* Entryway Organization ($20)
I found a sweet deal on this wall mount shelf and had to snag it!  My little apartment doesn’t have an entryway, the door just opens right into the living area.  This little coat/purse rack keeps clutter off the floor, and has a ledge shelf on top for keys, change and trinkets. I’m using the shelf to display my favorite little notepad and a sweet succulent that my mom bought for me. Cute, right?

inexpensive small space decor

PS – yes I copied the idea of having a frame around my door peephole from the show FRIENDS.  #90sKid

4* New Lighting ($20)
I’m officially on the Edison Bulb Bandwagon, dudes and dudettes. Luckily, my apartment was already outfitted with a hook on which to hang a chain light. Installing this type of ceiling hook requires access to the attic, since it’s reinforced on the upper side for strength, so I’m glad my apartments handled that part of the process. I picked up a chain lighting kit at the hardware store (like this one) and put it together as directed on the instructions. I also snagged a handsome spiral filament Edison Bulb on Amazon for around $10 with shipping.

spiral filament edison bulb

inexpensive small space decor

I love the vintage-y minimalist look of the Edison Bulb, but now that it’s taken the place of the plain shade I had there before, the large wall on the left looks pretty empty. Not to worry, though. Artwork is on the to-do list for this room.

All in all, I’ve only spent about $80 so far on the updates in my living room. Definitely not mega-cheap but it certainly didn’t break the bank either, especially considering that these updates took place over multiple weeks (and multiple pay checks)!

Still left to do:

*new curtains (mine are placeholders and embarrassingly short)
inexpensive small space decor

*new pillow shams (I love the eclectic look, but what the heck is going on here??!!)
inexpensive small space decor

*artwork for above the sofa
*fireplace mantle (my apartment doesn’t have one – I’m thinking wall-mount?)
*mirror above fireplace

And the list goes on… Stay tuned, friends!